Three Deacons ordained Priests for the Archdiocese of Freetown

20th April, 2013

Three Deacons ordained Priests for the Archdiocese of Freetown

On Saturday, 20th April, Most Rev. Edward T. Charles, Metropolitan Archbishop of Freetown presided at the priestly ordination ceremony of three Deacons. The three deacons ordained Priests were: Rev. Joseph Miller, Rev. Tommy Tengbeh and Rev. John Bebeley.

The ceremony took place at the St. Edward’s Secondary School grounds which played host to a large number of faithful from all over the Archdiocese.

In his homily, the Archbishop referred to the World Sunday for Vocations, which is celebrated on the Fourth Sunday after Easter, to encourage young men and women to freely answer the call to serve God in the ministerial priesthood and the Religious Life. He asked parishes, families, Catholic schools to take a prominent role in the vocation drive. The Archbishop further spoke to young men and women to answer the call to vocation, stressing that by becoming a priest you lose nothing. He referred to himself as being happy, and that his choice of the priesthood will also make him happy. He therefore asked the priests present to make of themselves credible witnesses to the Gospel and priestly ministry.

The ordination ceremony was attended by a large number of Priests and Religious from the Archdiocese and other Dioceses. Most Rev. Henry Aruna, Bishop of Makeni was also in attendance.

The Secretariat of the Bishop’s Conference congratulates Rev. Fathers Miller, Tengbeh and Bebeley and wishes them a fruitful priestly ministry.